Going Going Gone! 3 Days Left
Rates going up 2017 so take advantage of the savings today and save on your Lake Powell Trip. Buy now and book anytime in 2017. Grab the guys or gals and make a memory on Lake Powell in 2017. Buy now book anytime in 2017.
Buy or give a lifetime memory before January 1, 2017. We are offering a full day or ½ day 2 person rate for up to 4 anglers. This is a savings of $100 on either trip. This works out to $93.75 each for ½ day and $137.50 each for full day. This offer is limited on availability at our current rates (which may change 2017) which are $550 for full day or $375 for ½ day. All trips must be paid in full at time of purchase and are non-refundable and good till January 1, 2018. Multiple trips may be purchased. Christmas Gift Certificates can designed and emailed to you.
Merry Christmas from Ambassador Guides & Outfitters. Mention Special to receive discount. 928-606-5829 or email: info@ambassadorguides.com